• Transactions & Dealings >> Inheritance & Will

    Question ID: 8055Country: United Kingdom

    Title: Is it permissible for a Muslim (revert) gentleman to inherit a house from his parents who are non-Muslim,if the non muslim parents bequest that the house be given to there muslim son after they die?

    Question: Is it permissible for a Muslim (revert) gentleman to inherit a house from his parents who are non-Muslim,if the non muslim parents bequest that the house be given to there muslim son after they die?

    Answer ID: 8055

    Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim !

    (Fatwa: 1877/1757=D/1429)


    According to majority of Ulama, there is no inheritance between Muslims and non-Muslims, so no Muslim can nor inherit the property of his non-Muslim parents. It is mentioned in the Hadith:

    لايرث الكافر من المسلم لا المسلم من الكافر (متفق عليه)

    However, if the non-Muslim parents make a will for their Muslim child, then as the Shariah will be valid and the Muslim child will be entitled to take the house on the basis of this will.

    قال في الدر و من المسلم الذمي و بالعكس قال الشامي فالخلاف في جواز صلة الحربي و عدمه لا في جواز الوصية وعدمه (شامي: 5:463)

    Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best

    Darul Ifta,

    Darul Uloom Deoband, India