• Social Matters >> Nikah (Marriage)

    Question ID: 36419Country: India

    Title: I am Nida Elahi Khan. My marriage has been fixed. As per my demand my dad has agreed doing my nikah as per sunnah way and also not taking or giving any gifts as per my demand

    Question: I am Nida Elahi Khan. My marriage has been fixed. As per my demand my dad has agreed doing my nikah as per sunnah way and also not taking or giving any gifts as per my demand. Only Mahr is to be given from groom side. And for walimah, in my building there is a roof garden and my dad is saying he will call in walimah his brother and sisters with their husbands and kids and few more relatives approximately 60 to 70 people only. And no gift exchange in walimah. There would be variety food in walimah and separate for male and female. Is this allowed in Islam?

    Answer ID: 36419

    Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim !

    (Fatwa: 251/L=164/TL=1433) Walimah is masnoon. There is no harm if one arranges different kinds of dishes as per his capacity. Also you did good that you arranged separate sitting for male and female. In short, what your father thought for walimah is good. However if you have capacity then you should invite your neighbours, also some Ulama, pious persons and poor and needy ones. The holy Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said: شر الطعام طعام الوليمة يدعى لها الأغنياء و يترك لها الفقراء . Bad is the meal of walimah in which only rich are invited and poor ones are ignored.

    Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best

    Darul Ifta,

    Darul Uloom Deoband, India