• Faiths & Beliefs >> Islamic Beliefs

    Question ID: 3953Country: AF

    Title: My question is about Tawassul to the Quboor of righeous men, as Awleya ullah, is this permissible or not? with daleel. Thanks!

    Question: My question is about Tawassul to the Quboor of righeous men, as Awleya ullah, is this permissible or not? with daleel. Thanks!

    Answer ID: 3953

    Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim !

    (Fatwa: 138/138=M)


    Tawassul is not proved only to quboor, rather praying to Allah with the waseelah of pious people is allowed whether in their lives or after their death:

    عندنا و عند مشائخنا رحمھم اللہ تعالی یجوز التوسل فی الدعوات بالأنبیاء والصالحین من الأولیاء والشھداء والصدیقین فی حیاتھم و بعد وفاتھم بأن یقول فی دعائہ: أللھم انی أتوسل الیک بفلان أن دعوتی و تقضی حاجتی الی غیر ذلک۔

     (المھند علی المفند)

    Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best

    Darul Ifta,

    Darul Uloom Deoband, India