• Miscellaneous >> Dua (Supplications)

    Question ID: 4204Country: United States of America

    Title: I have read on many islamic websites the opinions of major islamic scholars from around the muslim world regarding taweez. the scholars say that it is not allowed as there is no proof. i know that the scholars of india/pakistan practise taweez and say it is allowed. please could you give me proof from quran/hadith/sunnah that it is allowed. Allah bless your noble work. ameen.

    Question: I have read on many islamic websites the opinions of major islamic scholars from around the muslim world regarding taweez. the scholars say that it is not allowed as there is no proof. i know that the scholars of india/pakistan practise taweez and say it is allowed. please could you give me proof from quran/hadith/sunnah that it is allowed. Allah bless your noble work. ameen.

    Answer ID: 4204

    Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim !

    فتوی: 1136=881/ ھ


    عن عوف ابن مالک الأشجعي قال کنا نرقي في الجاھلیة فقلنا کیف تری في ذلک فقال اعرضوا علي رقاکم لا بأس بالرقی مالم یکن فیہ شرک (مسلم شریف، 224/2)

    (۲) عن عائشة رضي اللہ تعالیٰ عنھا قالت لیست التمیمة ما تعلق بہ بعد البلاء وإنما التمیمة ما تعلق بہ قبل البلاء رواہ الحاکم وقال صحیح الإسناد (الترغیب والترھیب: 271/5)

    Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best

    Darul Ifta,

    Darul Uloom Deoband, India